Introlab > Our Products
Showing 17–32 of 97 results
Intro BZM is an Amino Acid chelated Boron, Zinc and Manganese containing fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Boron, Zinc and Manganese deficiencies.
Intro Cal is an Amino Acid chelated Calcium containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Calcium deficiencies.
Intro Calmag is an Amino Acid chelated Calcium and Magnesium containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies.
Intro Cop is an Amino Acid chelated Copper containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Copper deficiencies.
Intro Iron is an Amino Acid chelated Iron containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Iron deficiencies.
Intro K is a Potassium containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed or fertigation to prevent and correct Potassium deficiencies.
Intro Mag is a Magnesium containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Magnesium deficiencies.
Intro Man is an Amino Acid chelated Manganese containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Manganese deficiencies.
Intro Multi-trace is an Amino Acid chelated micro-nutrient containing fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct micro-nutrient deficiencies.
Intro Zinc is an Amino Acid chelated Zinc containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Zinc deficiencies.
Intro ZMC is an Amino Acid chelated Zinc, Manganese, Copper and Boron containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to prevent and correct Zinc, Manganese, Copper and Boron deficiencies.
IntroCel BoMo is a water-soluble fertilizer containing Boron and Molybdenum, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Boron and Molybdenum levels on crops as listed.
IntroCel Finish is a water soluble 00-30-40 gel fertilizer specifically designed for use as foliar feed or fertigation application to prevent or correct Phosphorus and Potassium deficiencies.
IntroCel Fruit is a water soluble 3:1:5 (45) suspension concentrate fertilizer with chelated micro-elements, specifically designed for use as foliar feeding or fertigation.
IntroCel Set is a water soluble 14-00-01 13Ca 2Mg gel fertilizer with chelated micro-elements, specifically designed for use as foliar feeding or fertigation.
IntroCel Shoot is a water soluble 5:1:3 (45) suspension concentrate fertilizer with chelated micro-elements, specifically designed for use as foliar feeding or fertigation.