Introlab > Our Products
Showing 1–16 of 97 results
210 g/kg N
240 g/kg S
170 g/kg B
190 g/kg Ca
155 g/kg N
240 g/kg Cu
150 g/kg Cu – EDTA chelated
A water-soluble liquid systemic fungicide for the control of Phytophthora root and collar rot in citrus, Phytophthora root and base rot in pineapples and downy mildew in grapes. Also stimulates plant’s natural defense reactions against mentioned diseases.
110 g/kg Fe – DTPA chelated
60 g/kg Fe – EDDHA chelated
130 g/kg Fe – EDTA chelated
An aqueous solution salt adjuvant to improve the uptake of the herbicides listed.
HydroSol Cucumber is a 3:1:8 (43) water-soluble fertilizer containing macro-and-micro elements suitable for hydroponic systems and fertigation of cucumbers.
HydroSol Leafy Vegs is a 3:1:8 (43) water-soluble Fertilizer containing Macro-and-micro elements suitable for Hydroponic systems and fertigation of leafy vegetable crops and herbs.
HydroSol Tomato is a 2:1:8 (45) water-soluble fertilizer containing macro-and-micro elements suitable for hydroponic systems and fertigation of tomatoes and peppers.
Intro Bor is a Boron containing liquid fertilizer, specifically designed for use as a foliar feed, soil application and fertigation to prevent and correct Boron deficiencies.