FERTASA certified

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As a team, we are thrilled to have been FERTASA certified for our second three-year cycle.

We understand the role of fertilisers and the importance of ensuring sustainability with correct quality and application. It is vital in the difference between profit and loss.

We, therefore, accept this responsibly and once again welcomed the independent FERTASA evaluation process, which ensures integrity in product safety, biosecurity and manufacturing quality processes.

As `n span, is ons in die wolke dat ons vir ons tweede driejaar-siklus FERTASA-sertifisering ontvang het.

Ons verstaan die rol van bemesting in volhoubare landbou. Dit word moontlik gemaak deur die verskaffing van gehalte bemesting en die korrekte toediening daarvan, faktore wat bepalend is in die verskil tussen wins en verlies.

Ons aanvaar en omarm hierdie verantwoordelikheid en daarom het ons as span weer eens die onafhanklike FERTASA-evaluasieproses verwelkom. Die proses verseker integriteit in produkveiligheid, bio-sekuriteit en gehalte vervaardigingsprosesse.